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  • 2023/11/24 Correctseq

    Cell Stem Cell | A novel strategy for treating β-hemoglobinopathy based on the transformer base editor (tBE)

    CorrectSequence Therapeutics (Correctseq), a biotechnology company using innovative base editing technology to help people with severe disease, today announced that the company and the research teams from ShanghaiTech University, Wuhan University, Fudan University and Children's Hospital of Fudan University published an article entitled “Base editing of the HBG promoter induces potent fetal hemoglobin expression with no detectable off-target mutations in human HSCs” in Cell Stem Cell on November 20th, 2023, reporting a novel base editing strategy for treating β-hemoglobinopathies with transformer base editor (tBE).


  • 2023/10/17 Correctseq

    CorrectSequence Therapeutics to Participate in the 18th ASCAT Conference

    CorrectSequence Therapeutics (Correctseq), a biotechnology company using innovative base editing technology to help people with severe disease, today announced that Dr. Susan Mou, CEO of Correctseq and Dr. Lijie Wang, head of Gene Editing Platform of Correctseq, will attend the 18th Academy for Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Conference (ASCAT) at the County Hall London, UK on October 25-28, 2023. Dr. Lijie Wang, will give an oral presentation on Oct. 28, at 9:00 am - 11:15 am, local time.


  • 2023/10/12 Correctseq

    Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology:Base editing of organellar DNA with programmable deaminases

    Recently, Prof. Jia Chen from ShanghaiTech University and Prof. Jin-Soo Kim from National University of Singapore published a review entitled Base editing of organellar DNA with programmable deaminases in Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology.


  • 2023/10/06 Correctseq

    Nature Protocols:Design and Application of the transformer Base Editor in Mammalian Cells and Mice

    Prof. Jia Chen's research team and Prof. Jianfeng Li's research team at ShanghaiTech University, and Prof. Li Yang's research team at the Center for Molecular Medicine, Children’s Hospital, Fudan University jointly published a protocol paper in Nature Protocols, entitled Design and application of the transformer base editor in mammalian cells and mice. The paper describes the working principle, design scheme, and in vivo editing by the tBE.


  • 2023/06/01 Correctseq

    Correctseq and Thalassemia Children Celebrate the Children's Day

    Today is the 73rd’s Children’s Day. On May 31, 2023, the Wuzhishan Branch of Jiusan Society, the branch of Hainan Women and Children's Medical Center and the Wuzhishan Disabled Persons' Federation co-sponsored the "Care for the Children, Walk with the Children" donation activity for exceptional children and thalassemia children to celebrate the Children’s Day, which was held in Wuzhishan Special Education School.


  • 2022/12/30 Correctseq

    transformer Base Editor of Correctseq Wins the 19th People's Ingenuity Award

    The 2022 People's Financial Summit Forum, hosted by www.people.cn online, was held in Beijing on Dec 29. The winners of the 19th People's Ingenuity Award were officially released at the forum. transformer Base Editor (tBE), which is developed by the scientific co-founders of CorrectSequence Therapeutics (Correctseq), won the Ingenuity Award for its higher editing efficiency and better safety in the whole genome and whole transcriptome, and promising to completely cure single base genetic diseases. Correctseq also became the only biotech pharmaceutical company to receive this award.


  • 2022/12/17 Correctseq

    Oriental Financial Pudong Channel Dialogue 22 Interview with Dr. Xiaodun Mou, CEO of Correctseq

    Recently, Dr. Xiaodun Mou, CEO of CorrectSequence Therapeutics, visited the "Dialogue 22" column of Oriental Financial Pudong Channel to share how to use creative gene editing technology to develop low-cost and high-quality therapy for people with severe diseases.


  • 2022/11/18 Correctseq

    Mr. Edwin Lan, Head of CMC-MFG, Ex vivo Platform of Correctseq, Participates in the 4th Bio-ONE Forum and Makes a Speech

    Nov 17-18, 2022, the 4th Bio-ONE Forum was hold in Shanghai. Mr. Edwin Lan, head of CMC-MFG, Ex vivo Platform of CorrectSequence Therapeutics (Correctseq), participated in the forum and made a speech titled CMC on ex vivo Platform.


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